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Great Horned Owl
Great Horned Owl
Bird. The great horned owl is the most powerful of owls and has been called the “tiger of the woods.” The name is derived from tufts of feathers that appear to be ear tufts or horns. The feather tufts help in camouflage and have nothing to do with hearing. Great horned owls can see during the day, but their vision is even better at night, when they are most active. They spend the majority of their time hunting. Loose, soft feathers allow them to fly silently and swoop down on their prey. The male's resonant territorial call “hoo-hoo hoooooo hoo-hoo” can be heard over several miles during a quiet night.
Scientific Name Lifespan
Bubo virginianus 13 years, 38 in captivity
Carnivore. Rodents, hares, small rabbits, frogs, fish, other owls, bats, reptiles, poultry, and insects.
Predators and Threats
Northern goshawks, and other great horned owls.
Dense forests, deserts and plains to city parks; throughout North America, Central America and South America.